Polugar Masterclass at 1930 with Alexey / by shane eaton

Thanks to Alexey Rodionov for organizing a very interesting Masterclass for Polugar, a great "bread wine" that not many people know about. Polugar (38.5% ABC) has a lovely aroma of rye bread and is very smooth on the palate.

It is actually a lost Russian distillate, last produced 120 years ago. Polugar was a very popular drink during meals, especially by wealthier noblemen. These classic recipes have now been brought back thanks the dedication of Alexey and his father Boris Rodionov.

In addition to the standard bread wines (single malt rye, classic rye, wheat), there are also several interesting infusions of Polugar, including Garlic and Pepper (No. 2), Caraway (No. 3),  Honey and Allspice (No. 4) and Juniper (No. 10). Compliments to Alexey and his father for the very unique distillates!
